Shipping typically takes between 3-5 business days, depending on your location. Please refer to the UPS map below for more specific guidelines.
Yes, we offer expedited shipping options at checkout for an additional fee.
Shipping rates vary based on the size and weight of your order.
We offer standard and expedited shipping options. Delivery times depend on your location and the shipping method selected. Typically, orders are processed and shipped within 1-3 business days. We ship most goods out of Exton, PA and below is an image of our UPS transit map.
Yes, once your order has been shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email.
Yes, you will receive a tracking number once your order has been shipped. You can track your shipment online through our website or the carrier's website.

Shipping time to your state
We do not have any minimum order requirements. However, to receive free shipping, customers must order over $400 per order. Additionally, to receive payment terms of Net 15, customers must order more than $400 to unlock the "email me an invoice" payment option. Any orders less than $400 will require payment at checkout via Credit Card or Debit Card.
You can place an order through our website, by contacting our sales team, or by emailing us directly at
We accept major credit cards, ACH transfers, and net 30 payment terms for qualified customers.
Yes, we offer volume discounts for bulk purchases. Please contact our sales team for more information.
Absolutely! We offer customized snack assortments tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. Contact us to discuss your specific requirements.
We offer a wide range of specialty, better-for-you, and hard-to-find snacks, including jerky, meat snacks, chips, nuts, dried fruits, chocolates, candy, and more.
As snack industry pioneers, we scour the industry and top trade shows to find the latest innovations and trends in the specialty snack space, and keep our assortments fresh so we can provide our clients with truly differentiated and superior snack assortments for their guests and clientele.
Yes, we offer samples of our products to qualified B2B customers. Please visit our wholesale registration site to set up an account and a customer service rep will reach out to you.
We are always looking to expand our network of distributors and retail partners. Please fill out the inquiry form on our website or contact us directly for more information.
Yes, detailed nutritional information for all our products is available on our website and upon request.
We adhere to strict quality control standards and safety protocols to ensure that all our products meet the highest quality and safety standards.
You can reach our customer support team via phone at [484-947-2596], email at [], or through the contact form on our website.
Yes, we offer a variety of seasonal and limited-edition products throughout the year. Stay updated by subscribing to our newsletter or checking our website regularly.